Monday, December 29, 2014

Pour a cup of Awesome Wave3 Coffee Special discount

WAVE3 COFFEE Artisanal Smooth Dark Roast. Best hand-picked organic beans roasted daily. Third wave coffee roaster. Overtly big mouthfeel. Bold black velvety smoothness. Whole bean superfood coffee. Complex brew, bold chocolate, juicy blackberry tones. Direct Trade sourced.


Now is your chance to try this awesome coffee for 50% off!!!!!!!!!!
Heres how awesome...
ROASTED IN AMERICA: Wave3 is locally roasted in the USA one small batch at a time. We dark roast hand-selected beans to perfection in our proprietary "Third wave coffee roaster." Daily deliveries through Amazon fulfillment assure the best tasting coffee.
  • CERTIFIED ORGANIC: Every single Wave3 bean is USDA Certified Organic, Fair Trade & Sustainably-grown. Brew up a pot or cup in your favorite coffee maker, coffee dripper or coffee Syphon. (Hario V60, SterlingPro, Tanors Ceramic etc)
  • THIRD WAVE QUALITY: This gourmet french roast style coffee is sensually delightful. Robust yet smooth. A kick ass aroma, perfectly balanced acidity (not flat), rich textured, full-bodied coffee that's guaranteed to be the best "cup of Joe" you'll ever taste.
  • MORNING NOON & NIGHT: Caffeine? You bet, but it's a pleasant wave of energy without the edginess of conventional coffee PLUS a nutritional kickstart for your body, mind & senses, anytime of the day... be it eight o'clock in the morning or a smooth evening fading to dark. This coffee tastes great in a facebook coffee mug, google coffee mug, cnn coffee mugs, fox news, travel, or any restaurant coffee mug.
  • SUPERFOOD COFFEE: Wave3 coffee is a genuine superfood (see health benefits in description below). Perhaps we're not famous (yet) like Starbucks, Keurig, Green Mountain Coffee, Coffee Bean Direct, San Francisco Bay, Lavazza, Death Wish, Stumptown, Gevalia, Community or Kicking Horse, but as our growing coffee fans say: "Take One Sip, Count to 3, Ride the Wave!"
  • Top 7 Health Benefits of WAVE3 Coffee... According to Wikipedia, The Third Wave of Coffee refers to a current movement to produce high-quality coffee, where coffee is an artisanal foodstuff, like wine, rather than a commodity. Wave3 takes this concept even further by sourcing not only the best tasting coffee beans, but the most nutritionally superior as well.
    WAVE3 contains essential nutrients including Riboflavin, Pantothenic Acid, Manganese, Potassium, Magnesium and Niacin. These nutrients occur naturally in WAVE3, remember we're organic and nothing artificial is added.
    WAVE3 improves energy levels and brain function. This includes memory, mood, vigilance, reaction times and general cognitive function. We think our customers are the smartest people in the world!
    WAVE3 increases the burning of fat in your body while boosting your metabolic rate.
    WAVE3 can drastically improve physical performance through increased adrenaline levels and release fatty acids from your fat tissues. Many WAVE3 fans enjoy a robust cup of WAVE3 about a half an hour before heading to the gym.
    WAVE3 helps fight depression and makes you happier. No wonder WAVE3 coffee lovers are always smiling!
    WAVE3 contains massive antioxidants. Drinking 3 cups daily could make WAVE3 the biggest source of Antioxidants in your diet... in the average American diet WAVE3 beats out the antioxidants of all fruits and vegetables... combined.
    Even though it's arguably one of the healthiest beverages on the planet, it's the hypnotic WAVE3 aroma, the WAVE3 taste, and the WAVE3 experience that keeps coffee lovers and baristas around the world coming back for more.
    Like they say, "Take One Sip, Count to 3, Ride the Wave!"



    1. I saw this on Amazon perfect timing we are out of coffee! Thanks so Much for the discount code

    2. What a great deal, thanks :) I love coffees that have those deep tones. Is it OK if I pass this coupon code on to my family?
